LatticeWork Sponsors Stanford's ProCo Programming Contest

Aerial view of Stanford University campus

At LatticeWork, we are excited to announce our continued sponsorship of Stanford University's ProCo programming contest, a dynamic event designed for high school students passionate about computer science. ProCo, organized by Stanford ACM, is modeled after the college-level ACM-ICPC, offering a platform for young coders to showcase their skills in a fun and competitive environment.

This year's contest will take place on March 1, 2025, at the Sapp Center for Science Teaching and Learning. Participants will compete in teams of up to three, tackling algorithmic problems over a three-hour period. The competition is divided into two divisions—Novice and Advanced—to accommodate students with varying levels of programming experience.

As a leader in cloud-edge solutions, LatticeWork is committed to fostering the next generation of tech talent. We are proud to have been a sponsor of ProCo since 2022, supporting an event that aligns with our mission to innovate and empower. Other sponsors include Hudson River Trading, Citadel, X-camp, and Wolfram Alpha.

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